Thursday, February 5, 2009

I have been having the most vivid nightmares lately. Its pretty awful. In last night's i was kidnapped and held hostage for a very very long time. along with a bunch of other people. We were held hostage for so long that our families thought we were dead. eventually we were rescued. but it was really hard to get back to our old lives. i had a particularly hard time with it all. and spent alot of time just crying because things were too much to handle. it was such a realistic nightmare. and even though i woke up from it several times as soon as i would fall back asleep it would pick right up where it left off.

I wonder if there's anything you can do to make nightmares less likely......

on a happier note... i have a batch of brownies in the oven


Kate said...

Nightmares are the worst.

This morning I woke up because I was dreaming that I was peeing all over myself. Not a nightmare, but a terrible dream anyway. Thankfully it was just a dream!

I think the temperature has something to do with dreams. Since the weather has been really unpredictable lately it probably has something to do with the nightmares. I don't know how you would change the way it affects you, but I know that when the temperature fluctuates I remember more of my dreams. So weird.

Mo said...

that is wierd. maybe i can try to keep the temp in my room constant...?