Sunday, November 1, 2009

This morning started out great. Jess and I went to IHOP for brunch, and it was so nice to start a cold rainy day with hot tea, eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and sausage. (And Boyfriend!!! who had been on a business trip since Wednesday). After brunch I went home to change into comfy clothes and go to the library. But once I had put on my comfy clothes I couldn't find comfy shoes that I wanted to wear. So, what did I do? I went to Target to buy FUGGS.

I think i have a shoe problem..........

They ended up not having any in a size that would fit (no half sizes and i wear a 9 1/2), so I got no boots. Instead, I bought a wallet, some Star Wars books to mail to John ( the 7 year old I nanny for during the summer), spent about 20 minutes perusing the greeting cards, and then walked around the toy department while making a christmas wish list of games and christmas movies. How did I get so off track? I went from Library to Christmas wish list at Target.....

After Target I drove to the library, but before going inside made a few phone calls. One of those phone calls required me to go run an errand, while running this errand the gas light on my car turned on so I had to get gas too. The credit card machine wasn't working at the first gas station I went to, so I had to go to another one (where thankfully the credit card machine did work).

I intended for today to be really productive, to get a lot of e-mailing and reading and writing journal entries for my acting class done, but I am just now starting on homework.

But in spite of my day not going according to plan, I've had a good day.

And now, ten hours later than I planned, I'm off to start working.

Hope you had a great day too. Did you do anything exciting?

1 comment:

Kate said...

I had a lovely day even though I accomplished nothing on my to-do list either. Oh well.